Supporting Evelyn Downs: Bush Heritage's largest acquisition yet!

Bush Heritage Australia, our founding partner, has announced that they are working to establish their largest protected nature reserve ever, with the purchase of Evelyn Downs Station, located in the Painted Desert in South Australia.
Bush Heritage is a national leader in land management in alignment with conservation and cultural priorities. They were approached directly by the previous owners for this sale, because of the faith that is had in them to help make this land thrive.
Why is it so important that this land be protected?
- Overgrazing and invasive species pose threats to vulnerable species, including the Bronzeback Legless Lizard and the endangered Arckaringa Daisy.
- Collaboration with First Nations Traditional Owners will pave the way for cultural sites and values to be identified.
- Bush Heritage’s strategic approach to acquisitions suggest that this property is in a “Resilient Landscape” where large, intact areas of high conservation value can still be found that will likely be adaptable to climate change. Conservation management is critical to address key threats to biodiversity in these areas.
- This property sits outside of the South Australian Dog Fence, which allows the exploration of land management techniques in a dingo friendly environment.
- Strategic partnerships with two adjoining landscapes, the Mount Willoughby Indigenous Protected Area and the Tallaringa Conservation Park, could see landscape scale outcomes.
What can we do to help?
We here at Friends of the Australian Bush Heritage Fund are on a mission to help make this happen. As a U.S.-based 501(c)(3), you can make a tax-deductible gift in support of this acquisition here!
If you’d like to set up a call to discuss support opportunities like this and others, please send an email to our Development Manager at anytime.